When you love what
you do AND you’re good at it, you effortlessly and automatically
improve your chances of success.
This has been proven time and again, in just about every type of
business. The problem is discovering exactly what marketplace is ideally
suited to your talents, one that delivers both short and long-term
profitability as well.
Start by identifying the following:
1. What do you enjoy doing and talking about? What gets you "fired
up”? What type of business would you be running if you were
guaranteed to succeed?
2. Are there specific tasks or activities that you prefer to work on?
What job duties do you look forward to tackling? Focus on markets
that require these aspects of running your business.
3. What projects do you absolutely dread? Are there any types of
businesses that you definitely wouldn't get involved in? Even if
those markets look very attractive financially, your chances for
success diminish if you launch a business you don't really love.
4. What do your friends and family members say are your strongest
points and character traits? Take time to ask for input from those
people you respect. The answers could surprise you.
5. What are you really good at? Does your particular expertise in a
certain area match up with your interests? If so, you have found the
perfect market for narrowing down your business niche.
6. Think about the people you surround yourself with. Who do you
relate to effortlessly? What types of people seem to understand you
very clearly? Look for similarities among these individuals. You
could spot a need or desire those people have which could make a
great base for a niche market.
7. When you think about your desires, is there something missing in
the current marketplace? Is there a particular product you wish was
available that is not being offered? Sometimes filling a personal
need leads to the discovery of an overlooked market that is
practically begging for someone to offer a solution or service.
8. What are the hot trends in your areas of interest? Can you spot
where your market is headed? Google Trends, Bing Social, Yahoo!
Search Clues and YouTube Trends are excellent online tools for
uncovering hot current products, as well as the direction of a
particular marketplace.
Send me a message, if you would like a FREE one:one digital marketing business strategy session.
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